Wicklow Hockey Club

Founded 1996


Membership Policy

 Club Membership Policy 2024/2025

  • All players must join the club by registering the appropriate membership to be selected on a team. Please contact the Club Committee if you have any questions about joining the club.
  • As pitch time and space is limited, we may be unable to accommodate those wishing to join after the season has started.
  • Family membership includes at least one full senior or O18 student membership. Please note it is possible for a Parent/Guardian to join as a non-playing senior member to facilitate family membership (useful for families with several children playing and no adults playing).
  • Parental membership (free, non-playing) is required for all Junior and U18 Student memberships.
  • Junior membership is available for children up to 18 year of age in two categories: Juniors up to 4th Class and Juniors from 5th Class.
  • Juniors aged 15-17 who take part in senior training and/or matches must take up Student U18 membership (minimum age at the time of joining 15).
  • Fitness Hockey membership is available for adults players who wish to return to hockey or wish to take it up, work on fitness, or just having fun playing a few games.
  • Hockey ID Membership is available for children and young adults from 12+ upwards, with intellectual disabilities; parental membership (free, non-playing) is required for underage players.
  • Coach membership is required for all who are coaching in the club, including club members (for example: a hired external coach, Transition Year students, junior members assisting).
  • Veteran membership is suitable for players aged 35 and older who wish to play vets hockey. Veteran membership does not give access to playing league hockey. Veterans who do regularly play league hockey must upgrade to full Senior membership or Floating player membership.
  • Floating senior membership is available for adult players who can be invited to matches as needed but don’t attend training and have no entitlement to be invited to play. When a floating member plays 7 or more matches for any team and/or attends training regularly the membership shall be upgraded to the relevant category and the additional membership fee invoiced accordingly.
  • Training-only membership is available for adult players who only want to take part in training but are not available for matches. When a training-only member regularly plays matches for any team the membership shall be upgraded to the relevant category and the additional membership fee invoiced accordingly. Payment options: Pay in full online / Pay in six monthly instalments
  • The Early Bird offer across all memberships is available until 31st of August 2024 if paid online. Full prices will apply to all memberships from 1st of September 2024; the Family membership price will remain the same throughout the season.

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