Wicklow Hockey Club

Founded 1996

Co. Wicklow

Safeguarding Course

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The Leinster Hockey Children's Officer Panel will be running a Safeguarding 1 Workshop on Saturday 12th August from 9.30am to 12.30pm (via zoom).  This course is being run at the reduced rate of €15 per person.
Places on this workshop are limited to a maximum of 16 participants and as we anticipate a high demand, early booking is essential.
If you are registering on behalf of someone else in your club, can you please ensure they can comply with the requirements below and that you register them using their own name(s) and email address(es).

  • The course is being delivered through the Zoom app, so if you are interested in taking part you will need to have the Zoom app on your phone or laptop.
  • Once you have confirmed your attendance our tutor will email you the registration link in advance of the course
  • We will email you a PDF of the Safeguarding 1 handout and a Values & Scenarios Exercises PDF which you will need to have access to for the duration of the course
  • You will have to be online 10-15 minutes before training starts as you will have to be admitted to the waiting room
  • Each person will need to use their own independent device - So STRICTLY ONE DEVICE PER PERSON AND NO SHARING REGARDLESS OF SAME CLUB/FAMILY
  • People cannot swap in and out if someone can't attend late in the day
  • The name of each person who registers must tally with the name they display on the screen to ensure that the right people are in attendance    
  • NB Cameras must be left on at all times during the training

To register for this workshop Click Here
Who should have Safeguarding One certification? (source Hockey Ireland)Administrators: While administrators may not be actively involved in children’s sport, they may be involved in organising activities and events.

Assistants: Assistants are those people who provide back-up to any of the roles outlined in this section and often such assistants are involved on an intermittent basis (e.g. provision of lifts to matches or competitions; checking equipment, etc.).

Club/Organisation Officers: President, Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and Committee members are appointed to oversee club activities and the development of the club/organisation.

Coach/Trainer: A coach is a person who assists a young participant to develop his or her skills and abilities in a progressive way.

Instructor/Teacher: Instructors are involved in the systematic development of the core skills and abilities of an activity, sometimes in a non-competitive context

Manager: A manager is an individual who takes overall responsibility for a team or a group of sports people and who may often have a direct input into the nature and organisation of the activity itself.

Mentor: A mentor is an individual who undertakes an overseeing role with a group of participants under 18 years of age, often in co-operation with other mentors.

Official: An official is an individual charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the rules of an activity are adhered to in a formal way. This category includes referees, judges, umpires, etc.

Selector: A selector is an individual who has responsibility for the selection of participants under 18 years of age for teams and events.

The Safeguarding course must be completed every 3 years. This can be extended by two years if the online Safeguarding 1 Refresher course has been completed before the expiry date of the SG1 certificate. 

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