Wicklow Hockey Club

Founded 1996

Co. Wicklow

AGM Sunday 14th MAY

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AGM Invite 2023:

All members are invited to the club AGM on Sunday the 14th of May starting at 7.30pm.

The AGM will be streamed online with login details provided below. Members include parents/guardians, junior and senior players.

The AGM is the only time in the year we all meet to discuss and decide on what and how we do things in our club.

We also look ahead to next season & beyond.

We will also celebrate the success of the club as a whole and individual members.

We hope to see as many of you as possible.


AGM Sunday 14th May 2023, 7.30pm

Agenda & Zoom Link will be emailed to you directly.

Please get in touch if you do not receive this email @ admin@wicklowhockeyclub,ie

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