Wicklow Hockey Club

Founded 1996


Join the Wicklow Vikings - Wicklow Hockey Club Para-Hockey Team

Want to manage your club's membership online this year? We've seen revenue increase by 30%.

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We are looking forward to the return of the Wicklow Vikings to the pitch in East Glendalough School (Nelson Park). We had our first stint of para-hockey in Wicklow at the beginning of this year. Just as our numbers were growing and everybody was looking forward to our first match with another club, we had to stop like everyone else. So here we are looking to resume next week Wednesday 11 November. The session will start at 5:30pm and last for maximum one hour. We will keep the entire session non-contact and socially distanced. To take part you have to be a member of Wicklow Hockey Club.

Follow the 8 steps below to join the Wicklow Vikings:

  1. First take out appropriate membership(s) and free parent membership(s) (in case of underage players) at www.wicklowhockeyclub.ie
  2. Download ClubZap on your mobile
  3. Subscribe to Wicklow Hockey Club
  4. Request to join the chat group(s) relating to your membership(s)
  5. Register to attend the training session by clicking “yes” in app event
  6. Fill out and submit COVID form in app before attending
  7. Ensure your attendance is taken by the coach/supervisor
  8. Your coach should provide a short induction to you about safety measures in place

Wicklow Hockey Club offers para-hockey for people from 12+upwards, with intellectual disabilities. Please bring fitted gum shield. Anyone who would like to assist with the coaching get in touch with head coach Klaas Jan de Vries.

Should you have any questions or need help with registering your membership contact us here.

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