Wicklow Hockey Club

Founded 1996


Provisional Training Times 2020-2021

Want to manage your club's membership online this year? We've seen revenue increase by 30%.

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Want to play hockey this season? Join Wicklow Hockey Club! Early bird rates apply until 31 August 2020. There are many kinds of memberships available to suit different needs. Check out the provisional training schedule for season 2020-2021 on the club website.Due to the pandemic all club events are member only and by invite only. When you decide to join, follow the membership link below. Make sure you also download ClubZap on your phone and subscribe to Wicklow Hockey Club. You may then request to join a chat group. Please note parent/guardians must join on behalf of their children. We welcome new members. Join Wicklow Hockey Club.

Some groups have already returned for a few sessions of hockey. Senior groups including 5th and 6th Year Students are starting this week.

All other groups are gradually returning to hockey. 7-11 September 2020 will be the first week for all junior groups to be up and running. We will start that week with a code of ethics session on the pitch. Coaches will explain what they expect from the players regarding behaviour. All our coaches receive special training to create a safe environment for the players in their care.

Every group has dedicated COVID officers who ensure that everyone keeps as safe as possible. We need COVID Officers for each age group/team. You need to be an adult and attend a short induction. If you have any questions or wish to apply for that role please let us know.

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